Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Journey of a Lifetime

Isn't it amazing how you can read or hear just the right thing at the right time. That's how I felt when I read this post about the Way to Weigh Less on Wonder Women a few days ago. It hit me right where I'm at in my journey of learning to walk with the Spirit and deny the flesh.

It's such an ethereal concept that I'm hoping to flesh (excuse the pun) out for some future posts. Some areas of my life are really plugged into the Holy Spirit and his leading. But some have been miserable failures.

I was having a great conversation about this (especially in regards to weight) earlier this evening with two beautiful, wonderful women. We all agreed that living our lives isn't about following a chart, be it chores, eating, whatever, but instead following God's leading. How do we apply that practically in our lives?

Stay tuned.

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