Thursday, July 9, 2009

Justice Prevails

Three and one half hours at traffic court was very interesting. Dan, Chase and I walked up to the municipal court where half a dozen young men with twisted ball caps waited outside. We went 20 minutes early only to find ourselves at the end of a very long twisty line. It was like going to Six Flags-waiting in line, apprehensive about what's coming up next, watching the faces of those leaving to see if they were happy or going to throw up.

Chase and I decided to rest at home for awhile and join Dan back in line later. But, a message was waiting for us to come back. The line seemed to be moving quickly, and he couldn't take his cell phone in with him. (Neither can you wear shorts, tube tops, or pants below your buttocks-which qualifications Dan had already passed.)

The deceptively quick line ended in a courtroom that held 70-80 "guests". There were a lot of DWI's, driving without a license, and failures to pay. One woman insisted she didn't pass the school bus, but paid the fine so she wouldn't have to pay court costs or get an attorney.

There were several attornies. Young with slicked back hair. Of the "guests" and attornies, I preferred the guests. Most pleaded guilty. One poor guy that refused to plead anything was laughed at by all the others.

Part way through, someone decided this was a good time to bring in some people from jail to appear before court. I guess they have a more important schedule than the young families that had their children with them.

Finally, it got so late that there was a break. Most everyone went to their cars to use their cell phones or smoke.

After the break, someone who works every day for a school district, came forward for his citation of passing a school bus, while he was at work. The judge thought something was fishy, and dismissed his case. A little later a woman who couldn't find the street where she had supposedly illegally passed a school bus had her case dismissed, and the judge asked the bailiff to find the file of the woman that had plead guilty earlier. Something was wrong.

Finally, Dan was called, and very "Night Courtish" the judge asked Dan where he really was when he illegally passed the school bus. "Austin, TX., " Dan said, and showed the plane ticket, the hotel and meal receipt from that day. Case dismissed. The court took copies and attached them to his file, along with the stacks of all the bus incidents. Someone's got some splainin' to do!

The few people left in the court were very pleased with the turn of events. And so were we.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Answered Prayers

Several months ago I was talking with God about my 24+ year old furniture. We were going to be hosting "The Truth Project", and the sofa and love seat were back breaking. So I laid out my desire for new furniture, and just a few minute later, Dan was at my side telling me that he was getting some unexpected money.

To say that the source of the money was a sad affair is an understatement. It made for many sleepless nights, chest pains, tears (on my part), and a wrestling with forgiveness.

Then the economy happened.

Listening to all the doomsayers, I thought we should hold on to our so called windfall and look for God to provide furniture some other way.

For instance, in the way we received our kitchen table and chairs-gift! The swimming pool-gift! One of our cars-insurance for the totaled car from a horrible hailstorm (gift!)

But nothing happened, and we proceeded with our Friday night get togethers. Sorry if we broke your back.

Nine days ago, I was telling the women at TLC about my dilemma. I so distinctly heard God telling me (in my heart and head), "I provided for that furniture months ago. Trust me for the future, not that." So, as soon as Dan was home for the weekend, we went shopping.

We didn't see anything that day, but I was peaceful that God had a plan, and we would find the right stuff at the right time. Same way it happened with our home.

The next day we ran out to look at some chairs I had seen, and Dan called to me from across the store, "Honey, I found them."
I can not begin to tell you all the ways that God gave us "immeasurably more that all (we) ask or imagine." (Ephesians 3:20)