Exhaustion, bright red cheeks, swollen eyes, sore throat and a cough were the souvenirs Chase brought home from church camp.
He did grow closer to God. Yeah! But he was home sick and physically sick, and that put a damper on things.
He really had me worried about dehydration when he first got home. You know you're a mom when you are happy to hear your son peeing at 2:30 a.m. (12 hours after he arrived home!)
Rehydrated and a little sleep under his belt didn't improve him as much as I had hoped. He wasn't eating or moving, two things he does in usual great quantity.
A trip to the doctor revealed a sinus infection. One dose of antibiotic, then seven hours later an allergic reaction. He had a rash and that uncontrollable, "I gotta itch, or I'm gonna die".
Benadryl, bed, and a call to the doctor. Chase started his new antibiotic an hour ago.
And, he was able to provide fodder for my 100th post!
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13 years ago
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