Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Who Shot JFK?

The smirk on my face is facetiously saying, "Hey kids, let's stand in front of the place our president was murdered and smile!" I think Rachel's is saying, "More pictures?"

I guess this stop in Dallas could be considered a loooong field trip, since we are studying U.S. history from the turn of the 20th century.

This layover reminded me of the funniest Saturday Night Live skit I saw many, many years ago. A man goes to Heaven and asks someone (St. Peter, I think) everything he always said he would ask once he got there.

One of his questions was who shot JFK. I don't remember the answer, but what I enjoyed most was all the answers. Hard to describe, but funny.

If my daughter produces a skit like it for this year's youth group's Academy Award, I'll try to post it here.

Does anyone remember it?

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