Friday, August 15, 2008

Remembering Emily

A newly single mom and two boys, one barely two, the other just turning five, broke. The home hadn't had much laughter and needed something new. Enter pet. Dog? Too much trouble. Fish? In my experience didn't live long. Cat? Okay. Yeah. Short hair, female, not a kitten but not too old, already spayed, declawed, indoor, FREE. That would work.

I borrowed a newspaper and found exactly that description, plus she was only one year old and black (childhood memories for me)!!

The previous owner also gave us cat food and a dish, cat litter and a litter box. Did I mention we were broke?
They had called her Ebony, but Brad renamed her Emily. She was his birthday present a few days late. She was a gift from God. A very tangible act of love that gave us many moments of joy. Eighteen years worth.

Thank you, God, for loving us so much. Thank you for all you've done for my children. And me.

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