Monday, February 11, 2008

Pinching Pennies

Every January, our Pastor encourages us to sign a commitment card that we're going to put God first in our finances. We already do, but we always fill out the card anyway, because he promises to pray for us.

A couple of years ago, I noticed that coincidentally the first few months of the year are always the most difficult for us.

Besides having just paid our personal and property taxes, we've always just finished Christmas, which usually entailed a long trek out of town. Add to that tag renewals in January, a life insurance payment, and car insurance due in February.

This year included some serious dental expenses for my youngest, and some serious car repairs for the old (but appreciated) van.

We're a frugal family. I love to read frugality blogs. I'm always trying to learn something new on trimming the expenses. There doesn't seem to be too many things left.

So, I've finally given up soda. For the most part.

I've tried in the past to limit myself to one a day, but inevitably would have a day when I drank five or six. Also, my youngest son has gotten into the bad habit of thinking he needs one soda a day. Call it old age, but I never would have allowed this with the older kids.

So, now he can only have one a week. And I can have one occasionally. In the past three weeks, I've probably had three. Diet Rite Cherry. Yum. My favorite.

I'm really doing fine without it. I figure we'll be saving around $150 a year. Every little bit helps.

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