Saturday, December 8, 2007

I Really Wanted to Complain

I had the phone in my hand. I was ready to call a friend and dump my hurt feelings. Then I distinctly heard the Holy Spirit telling me to stop! Talk to God about it instead.

So I put the phone down and said a brief prayer. I really felt better, and I was kind of disappointed, because I really wanted to complain. I know I could have gotten some sympathy. Someone would have told me I was right to be hurt and angry.

But as God has been working on my heart, I really see how arrogant it is to complain that someone didn't live up to my expectations. I wasn't hurt intentionally. I wasn't sinned against. I was just disappointed.

And without thinking it through, I could've really injured someone's reputation, just because I was hurt. Really, when you think about it, telling anyone how someone hurt, or injured, or disappointed you is damaging to their reputation.

And that's not really love.

If I had disappointed someone, would I want them telling others how I didn't live up to their expectations? Or would I want them to give me some grace? Or give me a little allowance in my behavior, realizing that my priorities might not match theirs?

So the Holy Spirit spoke, and I listened. That's a good day. No complaints.

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