Moms, in particular, remind themselves of every failure, mistake and error. We are slow to celebrate the victories, big and small, in our parenting choices. Even when we enjoy a moment of triumph, we're quick to cast some kind of negative slant on the whole thing.
Case in point. My 15 year-old daughter Rachel attended a special class, on Sunday, for teens that want to develop a deeper walk with God. She came home with some homework that included several spiritual disciplines. One was to be spiritually aware.
What a great discipline that I'm also trying to develop. I just plain forget to include God in some of the things I do.
Then, surprise! Rachel told me that she thought I had helped her develop this really well. She remembered how we pray in the car. A lot. How I often point out something God created or did for us, or thinking of how we need to be as Christians.
Wow. It was a grip your heart, thrilling moment.
Then my second thought was, I guess I haven't done a very good job at teaching the other disciplines.
Stop right there. Rewind. Go back to Yea, Mom! I did something right. Praise the Lord. I could have never done it on my own. He has manifested himself through me to my daughter.
Thank you, Lord, for allowing me the privilege of raising four wonderful, talented, awesome kids. They all love you! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of that.
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