I wish I had taken a picture of one of his many contraptions. This movie also influenced my second son Jeff to repeat some of the less desirable phrases. (Which led to it being put away for a while)
I knew I was greatly influenced by the book Little Women, as have been many girls. But I realized it even more when I attended Little Women the Musical the other night. My friend won tickets and invited me along. It was very enjoyable with a few, but not too many, liberties taken from the original story.
I knew I was greatly influenced by the book Little Women, as have been many girls. But I realized it even more when I attended Little Women the Musical the other night. My friend won tickets and invited me along. It was very enjoyable with a few, but not too many, liberties taken from the original story.

I read the book when I was around 12 or 14, and I wanted to be Jo. I wanted to be a writer, I still do. I wanted to be original and not confined to the mores of the times. Still do. I wanted my family to stay close forever and love me as much as I treasured them. I still want that. I didn't want some things to change, yet longed to be bold and adventurous. That's still me. I have never been as bold as Jo, however.
She was such a great character. A good influence, I think.
If I think about it long enough, I'm sure I can come up some good influences from that movie the boys loved. Building traps, dodging criminals, thinking on your feet, cherishing your family...
Oh yeah, that's a good one.♥
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